Thursday, 27 February 2014

Brazilian Polish Swatchathon - Ludurana Supernovas

My god ladies do I have some beauties to show you today! I mentioned in yesterday's post that the 'Aurora Boreal' collection was at the top of my wish list, but that's only because I didn't know that this collection had been released since then! (Aurora would still take a very close second place though!)

This is the Supernova collection, and they are multichrome holo's! My favourite things all in one ohhh lordy! I told you I alway saved the best til last! ;)

 They are 'multichromes' but seem to have 3 main colours, with only 2 colours at a time being seen in different lighting situations. They have a strong holo flare in full sun though this does diminish the multichrome effect quite a lot. Unlike other multichromes the colours do not show up with underwater photography, and layering these over a black base does not help at all, it actually does the opposite of what you would expect and almost cancels the multichrome effect completely, but you do get a different and interesting darker shade of the dominant colour within the polish, and the holo effect is much stronger over black too. I have found that the best lighting in which to appreciate both the multichrome and the holo effect at the same time, is with the harsh white strip lights or with very bright white day time bulbs, but to be honest you get lots of different effects in all kinds of different lighting. I have been wearing a couple of them over the last week and have seen them in sun, in shade, in a dark garage, under storm clouds, sat outside smoking a cig under a dingy light at night... you name it.. and in every lighting situation the polishes look completely different, anyone who owns these will just not be able to take there eyes off their nails when wearing them! There were so many shades and combinations of colours to these polishes that it was just impossible to get photos of every possibility, and with multichromes and holos being a bitch to get good photo's of at the best of times, you can imagine how hard it was with the two effects combined! While looking at the pictures just remember - however lovely you think these polishes are in my pictures, they are a 100 times more awesome in real life!

I managed to get 3 from this collection and I <3 them all, but as usual I always have my favourites!
Let's start with 'Orion' who's shifty colours are navy blue to blurple to pink with a good holo flare.
Here I am wearing 3 coats without a black base, and this first pic was taken in full sun.

As I said the multichrome was difficult to catch in full sun, though in my pics done in the shade it doesn't look much better either, it is much more visibile in real life. In the shade you get a much more pastel version of the colours. You don't see much blue and the blurple looks much more like lavender with hints of pink.

This next picture was taken indoors under the bright white lights I mentioned before, as I was not using a lightbox set up the picture is not the best quality and not very sharp, but that's the sacrifice I had to make to capture the colour shift better under the harsh white light.

 In this last pic the polish is 2 coats layered over a black base, the multchrome is pretty much gone, but you get a nice navy holo out of it!

The next polish I have in this collection is called 'Onda De Luz' (Light Wave) and shifts from very pale mellow yellow gold to peach to pale rose pink, it is totally lush, but the worst of the 3 polishes to take pictures of! Again here I am wearing 3 coats without black base, this first pic taken in full sun.

Here it shows up as a really warm and rich nude colour, but in the shade it's much more mellow with the gold tones more visible. Though the rose colour is not really visible per se, it does give the whole polish a slight pink glow to it.

Here is the pic that I took under the harsh white lighting, there is a more warmer richer gold tone under this light with the pink shift being much more visible.

Though I would not say that the pink was the dominant colour in this shifter, thats what you got when layered over a black base.

The final polish of my Brazilian polish haul and swatchathon, and probably my favourite of them all is 'Fenomeno' and shifts from a light powder blue to aqua green to violet. This has the most obvious colour shift of all them and looks fricking amazing in harsh white light! Here it is in full sun first where the light blue and violet (which looks more lavender here) are the most obvious colours.

In the shade the aqua green is much more obvious and the violet looks more like mauve.

 I want to show you the polish layered over black before I show you it on it's own in white light, cos it's damn glorious and totally the right pic to end my 3 week swatchathon, so here it is over black first and in full sun.

And now you can see the polish on it's own in harsh white light, you should probably grab a towel or something because you're undoubtedly going to drool all over yourself just at the sight of it. This is why Fenomeno is my favourite polish of the whole haul....

Isn't is just fu*king glorious! I want to paint my whole body like this, I want clothes bags and shoes like this, I wanna glow and sparkle in pretty girly colours like a frickin holographic unicorn! And I aint even the girly, frilly bows and unicorns kinda gal! How could anyone not fall in love with that? Seriously, try to tell me you don't love it and I must insist that you are not really a polish addict! I dare you to not like it dammit!

The formula on this polishes was wonderful, a wee bit sheer but still opaque in 3 coats, smooth glossy finish and quite long wearing too. These polishes have been out for a while as far as I'm aware, and I don't know of any comercial brands that have started doing multichrome holo's yet, Indie makers have only just been doing them since the beginning of this year, but Ludurana did it first so in my book that makes Ludrana an official trend setter!

I have loved swatching my brazilian haul for you, many of those pollishes I bought remained untried, so I'm really pleased I got to wear them all and see them and appreciate them properly, and that you came along with me for the ride!
It's got to be said that the Brazilian polish addicts are very lucky and have got some seriously amazing polishes going on here. Normally I would be totes jealous but I'm actually really happy for the Brazilian ladies.

The poor people here get ripped off by their government at every turn who pretty much tax everything except the air you breath, and at ridiculous rates. People are starving here, continually drowning in floods because the infrastructure sucks balls, constantly getting robbed cos everyones just so damn short of everything, and all while the government pile millions into stadiums for football and the olympics - events which are going to break the people here, because while those events are going on the price of EVERYTHING will triple. People can't afford food as it is and I fear for what will happen to the Brazilian people when these events start. The saddest bit is that the tourist dollars won't even end up in their pockets, just in the governments via the enormous tax rates that business owners will be subject to while these events are taking place. It's just fucking tragic, it really is.
So if Brazilian gals can't afford our foreign brands now while they are set at the standard of 100% tax upon entering the country, imagine how much the poor loves are gonna end up paying during event time, even just for a normal drugstore brand like Sinful Colours or something,  it sickens me to think. You can forget about OPI in this country, cost of a bottle of that stuff will feed your entire family for a week here, and so amazing polishes like that remain but a distant dream for the loveley Brasileiras!
For that reason I am really really happy that the homegrown brands here in Brazil are really making an effort not just to keep up with the nail trends, but to set a few of them too, and provide some of the nail addicts here the awesome polish they deserve. I hope they keep it up, and give the rest of us a reason to envy the ladies here!

Tomorrow I will be posting my giveaway, so makesure you come back to check out the prizes and enter!

I still have a couple of weeks left before I leave Brazil, and like a good girl I've done most of my preparations to leave, so after Carnaval I'm really hoping to have some free time to do some nail art as I haven't done any in months! Even if I don't get the chance, I still have a few designs that I did last october, to keep you entertained until I get to Italy at least! Thanks for reading me during my swatchathon, I'll see you tomorrow for giveaway time :)

1 comment:

  1. It's probably a good thing you can't drive because you'd get distracted every two seconds ;)


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