Today I interrupt the series of colour swatches to bring you my latest nail art design, which I am particularly pleased with! You may remember my very ranty post the other day about my water decal paper arriving in the post the other day and not being usable because it required additional products that I was not informed about before making my purchase. Well, a very lovely lady commented on the post with a suggestion on how to use the paper without this extra product so I decided to go ahead and give it a try, and the success of this mani is all thanks to her! I do believe this person was the wonderful Cathy from More Nail Polish, I'm not entirely sure as the username on the comment was different, but the profile image was definitely from her blog, so even if it's someone else who is using her image, Cathy is the one that's getting the credit! (Of course I could be wrong and it may infact be Cathy that left the comment, but let this be a lesson to image thieves in the meantime, if we recognise the original photo, then the original owner will get the credit, not the thief!) So thank you Cathy for making my water decal dreams come true! Now back to the nails!
This is a mani that I have wanted to do since I got married 6 weeks ago, and have been waiting to devise the right method to get it perfect, and water decals were it! The reason I wanted to do this mani is that it represents a part of the new surname I have inherited from my marriage, (it's a double barrelled surname and this mani only gives away one half of it so I don't feel like I am compromising my privacy too much by sharing with you all what it means to me!) let's see if you can guess hahaha....
Anybody recognise this famous sports car logo?! My husband is half Italian half Brazilian, and I must say the Italian half of his name is literally the Best. Italian. Name. Ever. It sure as hell beats my old English surname! And now you understand why I was so keen to do this mani! I got the fastest most horse powery nails around! haha!
To do this mani I used Rimmel 60 seconds '310 Red Carpet' (the one with the extra wide flat brush that I wish every polish had!) and the yellow is from the BYS neons collection 'Shimmer Golden Sands'. I used black striping tape for the details on the red nails and water decals on the yellow ones. I originally painted all my nails red, not realising that my water decal designs would be transparent with a colour tint once the backing paper was removed, so I left that first decal on its backing paper once I saw it was transparent and quickly changed the colour on the accent nails to yellow, which I like more than I thought I would as it really brightens the design, everything was protected with a couple of layers of Revlon extra life no chip top coat. Here is a close up of the decal detail on the thumb:
I managed to get the decal on pretty smoothly, especially in the actual area of the design, but I could not for the life of me get those wrinkles around the edge where I had cut it to disappear. I sat there with a cotton tip smoothing away until it was perfection, and then 30 seconds later the wrinkles were back, I'd smooth it out again and again and again, but they just kept coming back, so in the end I gave up and just left them! They are not that noticeable in reality.
This is not actually the water decal paper that I intended to purchase, (unfortunately there was no way to know that from the item description before I bought it) with this paper you have to slide the image off the backing paper and then place it on your nail and smooth it out, the stuff I was looking for is the fake tattoo paper that you stick to yourself first and then remove the backing paper by wetting it. Although this paper was pretty easy to use I would like to get the orginal water decal paper that I wanted and do a comparison between the two, I'm curious to know if I would get the same wrinkle effect on the edges with the other stuff, I just have to try and purchase it without gettig the wrong one! GAH!
Anyways, thats the post done for today, I'm off... vroom vroom VROOM! (speeds off into the distance...)
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Yep, it's me - Cathy! So glad these worked for you. They look fantastic. I find I use a combo of both water decal paper and temporary tattoo paper, depending on what the design is. I usually use decals for small designs and tattoos for full nail designs.
ReplyDeleteAh lovely! I'm glad we don't have to go on a witch hunt for image thieves! I have been curious about how these decals would work for a full nail cover, I don't have any temporary tattoo paper yet so I'm planning on doing a full nail cover with this stuff in my next design, just on the thumbs though until I figure out what works well! Thanks for all the wonderful tips you have left me! x